A Nagra-operated drillhole investigates the Quaternary sedimentary succession in the Lower Aare Valley near Riniken.

Truck-mounted drill rig near Riniken. (credit: Nagra)
A PhD project with doctoral student Lukas Gegg, supervised by Marius Büchi and Flavio Anselmetti, investigates the drill cores.

Institute members Marius Büchi, Lukas Gegg, and Flavio Anselmetti discuss strategies with Gaudenz Deplazes from Nagra and the Fretus driller. (credit: Yama Tomonaga)
In addition, Yama Tomonaga is sampling pore waters from the sediments for dating and noble gas analysis.

Lukas Gegg and Yama Tomonaga during pore-water sampling in the field-laboratory. (credit: Nagra)
As of Friday March 9th, the drillers reached 17 m depth. Target depth is the bedrock expected around 40 m.
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